You have a story to tell. We want to hear it.
Next submission deadline:
Thursday, November 8th, 2012
Next show:
Sunday, November 18th, 2012 5:30 p.m.
Who We
Delta Ink is a showcase for writers of all ages to share
their own personal tales. Inspired by programs such as “This American Life” and
“Tales from the South,” Delta Ink seeks to unite people around authentic
stories of Delta living. We believe that when personal
stories are told in an uninterrupted setting, barriers are broken, bridges are
crossed, and hearts are enlightened. Whether you’re a young student
discovering your identity growing up in rural America, a Delta native
possessing local knowledge, or a newcomer integrating outside experiences into
your newfound home, Delta Ink wants to hear your story, and wants other people
to hear it too.
What We
We exist to give people of diverse backgrounds a platform
to explore their personal voice through writing and storytelling. We collect
authentic narratives from Delta writers, select the most intriguing ones, and
provide a space in Helena monthly for those stories to be told in front of a
live audience. Shows are recorded and broadcast by KJIW for the greater Delta
community to enjoy.
Next Submission
Submit your own true
story of 1500 words or less to by Thursday,
November 8th in order to have your story considered for our November 18th
show in conjunction with downtown Helena’s Christmas open houses. Stories can
be holiday themed or simply about Delta life. Put your lastname.firstname as
the subject line and please attach your story as a word document.
Comments? Email us!
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